

Jewish Silence is Violence

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Where are the Jews?

When it comes to how Black lives matter, where are my fellow Jews? Why do I hear so few of us crying out in mutual understanding and fear? Why are our voices not harmonizing with those of Black people of color and others who unhesitatingly support the #BlackLivesMatter movement (aka: call to action; aka: legitimate and heartbreaking plea for help)?

It surprises me that, as a people, we are not the first ones to join the front lines of people against genocide, profiling, overarching police action, and historic and systemic oppression. Do we not know what it’s like to be feared for no reason, hated for no reason, killed for no reason? Do we not know what it’s like to be forced into ghettos, forced into undesirable jobs, forced into compliance in exchange of our lives?

Maybe it’s a question of whiteness? After all, while most Jews in America identify as Caucasian, the verdict is out if Jews are considered white, right? If we’re not white, then we’re not part of the problem. I call bullshit on that. Regardless of whatever racial construct does or does not claim us, we will never know what it’s like to be a person of color in America. We will not be judged by the size of our noses the way BlPOC are judged by the color of their skin.

And if we can “pass for white”, isn’t that all the more reason to lend our voices to this very necessary and worthy cause? Here in Baltimore, MD a lot of Jews tend to live closely together for the sake of security, community, access to our religion. I live where I do now because my parents were part of their generations exodus into white suburbia. It bothered me then, but I was 12 and had zero impact on my own life. This past year, however, my own generation embarked on their exodus to a neighboring county in order to, and I quote, “better blend in.” This disgusted me from the beginning and several friends and acquaintances felt my growing wrath with each new announcement I heard of, “we’re moving.”

By trying to blend in, we are perpetuating the system of the oppressor, the system that says “white is right”. We’re begging to be a part of the cool kids’ group while ignoring that these so-called cool kids are power-hungry, resource-hoarding, violently murderous bullies.

Maybe it’s because they haven’t come for us yet? After all, we’re a dying breed as well, right? Best to just lie low and wait the whole thing out. Well, I call bullshit on that, too. While I feel that no one should need any personal motivation to get out and support Black people’s right to their pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness (among so many other denied accesses – i.e. jobs, healthcare, education, etc.) have we forgotten our own, deadly history?

Let me refresh you:

First They Came... | Know Your Meme

Let me first just say that I HATE this quotation and the paradigm it promotes. Helping others shouldn’t be encouraged just because you may need help one day, too, and, you know….tit for tat and all that. HOWEVER, if that’s what it takes, why, then, is this not enough to get all Orthodox, Conservative, and us hippie Reform Jews out there with our signs exhorting, “no justice, no peace.”

Regardless of the duplicity of their motivations, America fought a war for us. Even those of us who’s families were already in this country are brought up to “never forget” what our people have gone through, generation after generation, as people tried to beat us down or kill us off. We humbly and humorously joke that the reasons behind most of our holidays are because, “they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat!” Isn’t it far past time we invited people of color to that meal?

And let me be perfectly clear: they will be coming for us next. If we fail our BlPOC brothers and sisters now, right now, under this administration and during a monumental election year, oh yes, they will be coming for us next.

And who should stand up for us when we would not put ourselves on the line to stand up for others? No one, that’s who. And that’s exactly who will do so.

So, I ask you now, fellow Jews… Even though I know you’re scared. Even though you may think this is not our problem. Even though we, too, have our own implicit biases that we need to analyze, address, and endeavor to resolve in order to evolve as Jews, as Americans, and as humans…. I ask you now.

Where are you?

Author: shellyboo800

I wear many hats and constantly worry about how well they fit.

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